Working Papers

"A Kernelization-Based Approach to Nonparametric Binary Choice Models

"Machine Learning in Econometric Models: Using SVM to Estimate and Predict Binary Choice Models", with Yoosoon Chang, Joon Y. Park

"On the Singularity of Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Imbalanced and Noisy Binary Data", with Yoosoon Chang, Joon Y. Park (Draft available upon request) 

Work in Progress

"Identification and Estimation of Nonparametric Binary Choice Models: From Maximum Score Estimation to Beyond

Research initiated/done before PhD

"The Dilemma of One Currency Area: The Interactive Effects of Currency Overvaluation and Labor Market Rigidity on Export", with Han Gao, Jie Li, Ming Lu, Rudai Yang

"How Productivity and Credit Constraints Affect Exports Differently? Firm-level Evidence from China", with Tianhang Zhou, Xue Li, Jie Li, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2022, Vol. 62: 207-230.

"Real Effective Exchange Rate and Regional Economic Growth in China: Evidence from Provincial Data", with Sheng Li, Yaqi Lin, Jie Li, China & World Economy, 2016, Vol. 24 (6), pp 43-63